Men’s Prayer Fellowship
Men’s Prayer Fellowship
With the exception of one winter day in 2005 when the parking lot was not cleared, this group has been meeting every Wednesday morning since May 1971 at the First Presbyterian Church of Irwin. We are an interdenominational group of 40 to 50 Christian men from over 10 churches that are eager to learn more about the Bible.
We meet at 7:30 AM sharp till 8:30 AM in the Perry-Armstrong addition learning from the best professional leaders in our area. In addition to discovering more about the Bible, the group holds mid-week devotions, sings hymns and prays for people with needs.
At 8:45 we invite you to the social room where most Wednesday mornings the ladies of our church cook the finest breakfast that you can eat for a nominal donation of $5.00. What a great way to start your day. We invite you to join our group each Wednesday morning.
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