Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women
All women who belong to First Presby, Irwin are members of Presbyterian Women (PW). As Presbyterian Women, we nurture our faith through prayer, Bible study, and support to the mission of the local, Presbytery and worldwide church. We work for justice and peace, and to build an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
On the local level, we provide support to the food pantry, the men’s prayer breakfast, the Blackburn Center for Women, Presbyterian Women Worldwide, the Synod and the Presbytery. In addition we have contributed to many improvement projects within our church. We have hosted the Redstone Presbyterian Women’s Fall Gathering, provided support for the Pine Springs Camp, and attended the Redstone Pretty in Pink Tea. The latter is a fund raiser and in 2019 realized $3,100 which was given to the Avonmore Presbyterian Church for the “Rise Against Hunger” meal packing event they sponsored.
Everyone is encouraged and welcome to submit ideas for how the organization can raise funds to fulfill its purpose for serving humanity. Comments, questions or fund raising suggestions, please contact Taska Smola at