Give a Gift
Electronic giving can now be easily accessed by clicking the “Give Now” button below, which will take you to the donation page where you will complete your log in and financial information. You have the option of making a one-time or recurring gift and will also be able to select who your pledge helps: General Funds, Property, Food Pantry, or Deacons. This is also where you can pay for your Chancel Flowers and 1st Church Merch.
We are so grateful for your generosity as we endeavor to further God’s kingdom by “bringing the heart of Jesus to the heart of Irwin”.

Stewardship is NOT an event or a campaign…it is a spiritual practice.
As the late Winston Churchill said, “we make a living by what we get; we make a life by what we give.” In the First Presbyterian Church of Irwin, stewardship isn’t simply an obligation of Christian discipleship; it is a profound act of worship and a direct response to the amazing grace of God.
As First Presby Irwin enters the year of Stewardship, each member should reflect upon the abundant blessings that God has bestowed upon us. Consider the ways that you can contribute through your time, your talents, and your financial resources to the vibrant tapestry of our First Presby Irwin community.
Yours in Christ,
The First Presby Irwin Stewardship & Finance Committee