Day Camp Norwin
We had so much fun!!
Join us
next year for more
fun in the sun!
For completed grades K – 5
Held on the campus of New Hope Presbyterian Church
There is something fresh and exciting about new things, new experiences, new beginnings. We love how they make us feel and how they can give us a sense of hope. Unfortunately, we know that often the shine wears off and it all can quickly become old and we are left feeling disappointed and a little bit empty.
This summer we are going to look at how Jesus offers a new life that will never grow old or disappoint us. We will dive into the Gospel of John where we will see how Jesus came to earth so that we could have a Savior that knows completely what it’s like to be human in a broken world. We are going to look at His interactions with different people that reveal how much He loves us and how much He wants to give us the gift of new life. We will discover how the power of God’s love through His Son can completely transform us into people who love and serve God and love and serve each other. That kind of “new” will never grow old!
2023 Photo Gallery
Take a look at some of the highlights from our fun week where we learned more about the love of Jesus and studied Psalm 23 and saw how we could apply it to our everyday lives.